6 Benefits Of Omnichannel Customer Engagement

Omnichannel Customer Engagement

Companies with omnichannel engagement experience 89% more customer retention. The percentage is huge enough to explain the importance of omnichannel customer engagement. Customers want to feel connected with a brand. Instead of being just a number, they look for value. To create this experience, businesses need to there for the customers when and wherever required with an omnichannel presence. Here are 6 reasons why you need to have omnichannel customer engagement for your contact center

1. Be where your customers are:

omnichannel customer engagement allows you to be where your customers are and engage in real-time. Customers value a brand that is present for them wherever they need them. 9 out of 10 customers prefer omnichannel customer engagement, so being present on all digital works as a great advantage. Presence on all channels helps you improve the conversion rate and have loyal customers in your base.

2. Real-time engagement:

omnichannel engagement allows customers to connect with the brand in real-time and stay updated on every progress. Agents can proactively assist customers, encouraging them to remain with the business for the long-term. Here, a company can benefit from Cx Infinity’s video chat features that offer in-person interaction experience to a customer.

3. Reduced wait time:

One of the significant benefits of omnichannel engagement is a lower wait time for customers. Now, as customers can engage over all channels, the conversation volume is distributed across platforms. Earlier, the high call volume over the voice channel is not handled by agents over digital media. The wait time is mainly reduced and frustration level too.

4. Personalization:

The freedom to connect over customer’s preferred channels to give them the flexibility to redefine their journey with your brand. And that’s how live chat becoming one of the most preferred channels with over 70% of satisfaction level. So, Cx Infinity, the digital omnichannel customer engagement platform, offers live chat and other communication platform integration. The personalized approach allows customers to interact with agents the way, medium, or time they want instead of it is being the other way round.

5. Seamless transition:

A well-integrated omnichannel allows the seamless switch between channels without losing conversation context. It improves customer experience as they can swap between channels as per convivence and have continued support from the business across channels. Over 70% of customers shop on more than one digital medium that makes it imperative for brands to offer a seamless experience across channels. So, to remove any hurdle in creating exception CX, Cx Infinity provides an integrated solution allowing the agent to handle all channels from a single unified screen. Now agents and customers can switch channels but not context or a dip in quality.

6. Productivity:

As discussed in the last point, the omnichannel customer engagement platform offers a dedicated workspace for agents. With all channel conversations that can be viewed over a single interface, the agent can resolve more queries than ever. And the cherry on the cake is the seamless integration with 3rd party applications. Now, agents have customer information and interaction history even before starting the conversation. It simplifies things for agents as they can handle more conversation and delight customers in no time.

To prepare your contact center and agents for digital transformation in the CX world, it is necessary to be in sync with changing technology and customer’s expectations. To experience the real power of the omnichannel solution switch to the Cx Infinity solution.

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