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9 Ways To Improve Your Contact Center’s NPS

By- Rahul Mishra


Every contact center aims to boost its revenue and improve its ROI. However, it’s impossible to do either without first providing positive customer experiences. And NPS delivers an effective and data-based approach to determine whether your contact center is successfully meeting these objectives.


Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measure customer satisfaction and loyalty with a single question. Scale 0-10 classifies respondents as Promoters, Passives, or Detractors. Calculate NPS by subtracting Detractors from Promoters.

What is the Net Promoter Score?

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Ask For Qualitative Customer Feedback

Enhance NPS and customer experiences by actively seeking feedback. Move beyond numerical ratings and ask qualitative questions about what can be improved. Identify gaps and make tangible enhancements based on customer input.

7 ways to improve it at your contact center

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Reduce AHT & FCR

Deliver exceptional customer experiences by prioritizing speed and efficiency. Reduce AHT and boost FCR through Unified Agent Desktops, providing agents with quick access to information. Integrate CRM and other tools to streamline operations, enhancing agent productivity and overall customer interactions.

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Get Rid Of Inefficient Silos

Transform customer service by breaking down silos in contact centers. Embrace intelligent omnichannel routing for a seamless experience, connecting callers directly to the right agent. Leverage AI-driven automation, voice agents, and chatbots to enhance interactions and elevate customer satisfaction.

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Implement a Balanced Metrics Strategy

Elevate customer experience beyond NPS. Integrate call center reporting tools for a balanced approach. Use Voice of Customer and Customer Satisfaction metrics, conducting post-call surveys for comprehensive insights.

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Provide Self-service Options

Prioritize quick query resolutions with self-service channels, preferred by 67% of customers over live agents. Enhance customer knowledge and loyalty through personalized services, positively impacting NPS.

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Measure Customer Feedback

Sustain positive NPS scores through regular monitoring and continuous improvement. Utilize survey insights to convert passives and detractors into promoters. Prioritize excellent CX with prompt responses, value feedback, and consistency across touchpoints.

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Create KPIs for Drivers of NPS

Boost NPS by focusing on related KPIs like First Call Resolution, driving customer behavior rather than the score itself. Provide explicit goals for agents, emphasizing efficient query resolution over arbitrary KPIs.